
Friday, March 18, 2011

"if you fall for nothing, you will stand for nothing"

They say what does not kill you makes you stronger. After each rain storm there will be a sunshine, it could rain for weeks but that does not stop the rainbow from shining, it does not sun the sun from still coming out, it comes out to let us know that this is a temporary condition. It comes out to prove to us that there is no obstacle bigger than the you and I . Only true obstacles are the obstacles that you put the price to, it really only as big as you make it . If i based my life around my temporary condition I will never be any where in life, still stuck in the same mind frame of the word "i cant". While coming up with every excuse syking myself out speaking downfall on my future goals. There is  nothing that I cant do, I am the driving of my own car I make sure I am where I need to be when I need to be . Speaking negatively into my positively is only going to make me think negatively, I am creating my own negatively, by speaking it into existence .

Are you lacking self worth? Self worth is differs from self esteem. Self esteem deals with your feeling how you feel about your self, self worth is the value you put on yourself.  Self esteem is the overall evaluation of yourself as a whole it deals with pain,despair, pride and shame. It is something that you are born with, it cant be token but you can lose sight of it. Often times we measure our self worth based off the material aspects that we posses rather than what lies beneath. If I measure my self worth off material objects than I must not posses very much. Meaning I must not want very much, putting my thoughts, my morals and my goals into something that means less to me than the dirt I walk on. My worth is not amounted by the clothes I wear, nor is it amounted by the car i drive but it is amounted by the potential that I uptain. If I look outside of ones self, and try to define who I am outside of the self by classifying myself with people, places, power or prestige (things in which amount to happiness), I will never find true fulfillment. Were taught that the definition of our self worth is defined by outside illusions. Measuring myself to someone other than myself accomplishments will get me no where I will always be looking for something or someone to fill the hole, pleasing everyone but myself.  True self worth does not come from temporally conditions, it comes from the conditions of your natural state, nothing or no one outside of you can tell you what your TRUTH is only you can. 

 If i define my own self worth than why would i settle for less  than what I know i deserve. A birdy told me if you "fall for anything you will stand for nothing."  You define what worth to standing for, if it feels like bullshit than TRUST me it probably is . If i continuously allow you to cheat on me, but at the end of the day I take you back, that person is never going to learn that you want them to stop, your making it okay for them to cheat. All it takes is that one time and that one time should be enough, after the one time your just settling for anything because now they know they can get away with anything . But if you know you deserve more why not want more ?